

2023-08-24 分类:百科

TIPS:本文共有 1135 个字,阅读大概需要 3 分钟。

This is not a myth as evidence a photo

contemporary Venus was born in Moscow at night

her charming face pure Keren

only his right hand his left arm - half

She is not God's favorite

artists are not the product of imagination

She is living the same as if you born with disabilities

her life with one hand only available

industrial civilization into the door

vehicle to satisfy the vanity of human Different

called higher human beings to their own animals

wearing only shoes and feet do not walk

dumb blind the annual number of birth

disease around the number of young and old

human to toss into a garbage dump Earth

most spam is humanity itself

If war is to witness the passion of blood

If nuclear weapons is even more hard fist

If the air did not traces of wings

If only fish in the water of the stone

all possible

We would also like to get married and have children but also

praise our civilization at the same time

around whether or not it has noted that what little

incomplete nature of the United States is not

pollution is not the price of progress

eyes the face of innocent children

You can tell her "children, this is the life"?

