

2023-07-11 分类:养生资讯

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What Causes Concurrent Neck and Shoulder Pain, and How Do I Treat It?


Simultaneous pain in the neck and shoulder is common, and is usually the result of a strainor sprain.

Pain can range from mild to very severe and can include:


Tingling 刺痛shooting pain 放射痛stiffness 僵硬numbness 麻木spasms 痉挛soreness 酸痛

In some cases, neck and shoulder pain can be a sign of a heart attack or a stroke.These are serious medical emergencies that require immediate help. Rarely, it can be caused by gallstones and certain cancers.



Neck and shoulder pain causes颈肩痛的病因

Most neck and shoulder pain is due to sprains and strains from sports, overexertion, or incorrect posture.


Soft tissue injuries软组织损伤

Neck and shoulder pain is often due to an injury of the soft tissue. Soft tissue includes your muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The term is used to distinguish it from the hard tissue of bones and cartilage.


Soft tissue injuries can cause many kinds of pain, including:


stiffness 僵硬headache 头痛muscle spasms 肌肉痉挛Rotator cuff tear肩袖撕裂伤

The rotator cuff is a group of four tendons that hold your upper arm (humerus) into your shoulder blade.


A rotator cuff tear can be caused by a singular injury (such as a fall) or by repeated stress over time, which can be common in sports that require a lot of arm and shoulder use.


Aging can also contribute to rotator cuff tears. Reduced blood supply can slow down the body’s natural ability to repair damage. And bone spurs can form at the joint, damaging the rotator cuff tendons.


A sudden tear will usually cause intense pain in your shoulder and immediate weakness in your upper arm.


Tears due to repetitive use may cause shoulder pain and arm weakness over time. Activities that require reaching up or behind, such as combing your hair, may become painful.



Whiplash is the tearing of muscles, tendons, and ligaments in your neck from a sudden movement of your neck. It typically occurs in an auto collision.


Other common causes include:其他常见原因包括:

contact sports 身体接触的体育项目being shaken 摇晃falls 跌倒a blow to the head 头部撞击Symptoms can take 24 hours or longer to appear and include:


neck pain and stiffness 颈部疼痛和僵硬headaches 头痛dizziness 眩晕blurred vision 视力模糊constant tiredness 持续性疲劳Most people recover fully within three months but some can have chronic pain and headaches for years afterward.


Cervical spondylosis (cervical osteoarthritis) 颈椎病(颈椎骨关节炎)

Cervical spondylosis is the name given to age-related wear of the spinal discs of your neck. It’s a very common condition, affecting more than 85 percent of people over age 60.


Your spine is made up of bony segments known as vertebrae. In between each vertebra is soft material known as discs.


As you age, your discs lose water content and become stiffer. Your vertebrae move closer together. This can irritate the lining of the joints in a condition known as cervical osteoarthritis.


As part of the arthritis, you can also develop bone spurs.


Symptoms of cervical osteoarthritis typically include neck pain and stiffness. In more severe cases it can lead to a pinched nerve.


Pinched nerve (cervical radiculopathy)神经根型颈椎病

A pinched nerve in your neck can cause pain that radiates toward your shoulder. This is also known as cervical radiculopathy.


Cervical radiculopathy most often comes from changes in your spine due to aging orinjury.


Bone spurs can cause a pinching of the nerves that run through the hollow space in the vertebrae. If this happens in your neck, it can cause a pinched nerve.


Symptoms include:症状包括:

tingling or numbness in your fingers or hand手指或手部的刺痛或麻木weakness in the muscles of your arm, shoulder, or hand手臂,肩膀或手部的肌肉无力Herniated disc 椎间盘突出

When cervical discs shrink, vertebrae come closer together and can sometimes lead toone or more of the discs getting damaged.


If the soft inner portion of a disc protrudes through its harder exterior, it’s called a slipped, herniated, or prolapsed disc.


Symptoms of a slipped or herniated disc include:


Pain 疼痛Numbness 麻木Tingling 刺痛Aching 酸痛a burning sensation in your neck 颈部烧灼感Posture and sleeping position姿势和睡觉体位

Holding your neck in an awkward position for a prolonged time can lead to strains in the muscles and tendons of your neck and shoulders.


Some of the postures and activities that commonly contribute to neck and shoulder pain are:


sleeping on too high a pillow or a stack of pillows睡在很高的枕头上或者一摞枕头上grinding or clenching your teeth at night晚上长时间磨牙或咬牙sitting at a computer or over a phone with your neck strained forward or tilted up坐姿头颈前伸或后仰姿势使用电脑或手机suddenly jerking your neck during exercise运动过程中突然猛击脖子Heart attack 心脏病发作

While sudden pain in the chest or arms may be a sign of a heart attack,pain and numbness in the neck, back, or jaw are also symptoms.



Call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room if you feel sudden pain in the neck, back, or jaw that comes on without trauma.


Stable angina 稳定性心绞痛

Pain in the shoulders, neck, back, or jaw can also be a symptom of stableangina. It occurs when the heart isn’t getting enough oxygen due to a narrowing of the coronary arteries.


There’s usually pain in the center of the chest, which can spread to the left arm, shoulders, neck, back, and jaw.


It should be diagnosed and treated promptly.


Stroke or cervical artery dissection中风或颈动脉夹层

Neck pain can be a symptom of a serious type of stroke called cervical artery dissection. This condition is rare but it’s one of the most common causes of stroke in people under 50.


Symptoms of a stroke include:中风的症状包括:

drooping of the face 脸部下垂arm numbness of weakness 上臂麻木无力difficulty speaking or slurred speech 说话困难或言语不清vision trouble 视觉障碍difficulty walking 行走困难MEDICAL EMERGENCY医疗紧急事件

If you believe you or someone else may be having a stroke, call 911 or goto the nearest emergency room.


Broken collarbone (clavicle)锁骨骨折

The collarbone (clavicle) is the slightly curved bone at the top of your chest that runs from your shoulder blades to your rib cage.


Clavicle fractures often happen when you fall on your out stretched arm.


Signs of a broken clavicle include:


intense pain 剧烈疼痛an inability to lift your arm 不能上举上臂a sagging shoulder 肩部下垂bruising, swelling, and tenderness 淤青,肿胀,压痛Broken shoulder blade (scapula)肩胛骨骨折

The shoulder blade (scapula) is the large, triangular bone that connects your upper arm to the collarbone.


Scapula fractures can happen in high-impact injuries such as motor cycle or motor vehicle collisions.


Symptoms include intense pain when you move your arm and swelling at the back of your shoulder.


Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) 冻结肩(粘连性关节囊炎)

Frozen shoulder is a condition where it becomes increasingly difficult and painful to move your shoulder. People between 40 and 60 years old and people with diabetes are at greatest risk.


The cause is not known.病因未知。

The main symptom of frozen shoulder is a dull or aching pain usually located over the outer shoulder and sometimes the upper arm.


Shoulder tendinitis or bursitis 肩部肌腱炎或滑囊炎

Tendons are strong fibers that attach muscles to your bone. Bursa are fluid-filled sacs that prevent friction at joints.


Inflammation of the tendons (tendinitis) and the bursa (bursitis) are common causes of shoulder pain, but pain can occur anywhere that inflammation occurs.


The tendons and bursa around your rotator cuff are especially prone to inflammation that causes pain and stiffness around your shoulder.


Shoulder separation肩锁关节分离

Shoulder separation is an injury to the joint where the collarbone meets the highest point (acromion) of your shoulder blade. The joint is called the acromioclavicular (AC) joint.


Injury to the AC joint commonly happens when you fall directly on your shoulder. Severity can range from a minor sprain to a complete separation that shows a large bump or bulge above the shoulder.


Pain can occur in the surrounding areas.


Shoulder and neck referred pain 肩颈部牵涉痛

Because of the close connection of the nerves serving them, shoulder and neck pain are often mistaken for one another.


You may feel a pain in the shoulder that’s actually coming from your neck, and vice versa. This is called referred pain.


Some of the symptoms of referred pain from your neck include:


stabbing, burning, or electric-like tingling pain刺痛,灼痛,电击样刺痛pain that radiates to your shoulder blade, elbow, and hand放射至肩胛骨,肘部,以及手部的疼痛pain that radiates down your arm when you twist your neck扭动脖子向下放射至上臂的疼痛pain that’s relieved when you support your neck颈部制动后疼痛减轻Gallstones or enlarged gallbladder 胆结石或胆囊扩张

Pain in your right shoulder can be a sign of a gallstone blocking a duct in your gallbladder. You may also feel pain in your back between your shoulder blades. The pain may be sudden and sharp.


You may or may not feel the more common symptoms of gallstones or gallbladder inflammation. These are:


sudden pain in your upper right abdomen右上腹部突然的疼痛pain in the center of your abdomen, below your breast bone腹部中间胸骨下疼痛nausea or vomiting恶心呕吐Cancer 癌症

In some cases persistent neck pain can be a symptom of head or neck cancer.


The most common causes of head and neck cancer are excessive use of alcohol and tobacco. These account for around 75 percent of cases[1].


Referred pain in the shoulder can also be a symptom of lung cancer.


Pain on one side of the neck and shoulder pain一侧肩颈痛

Pain often occurs on one side of the neck. This is usually due to strains or sprains that have occurred on that side, or due to a bad sleeping position.


Right-handed people may be more likely strain their right neck or shoulder.


Pain specifically in the right shoulder can be a sign of gallstones or an inflamed gallbladder.


Neck and shoulder pain with headache肩颈痛伴头痛

Muscle tension in the neck is a very common cause of tension headaches.


This is a type of referred pain known as cervicogenic headache.


Cervicogenic headaches may feel similar to migraine. Symptoms include:


· pain on one side of your head or face

· 一侧头部或脸部的疼痛

· stiff neck and headache after certain neck movements

· 特定颈部运动后会出现颈部僵硬和头痛

· pain around your eyes

· 眼部周围疼痛

Treating neck and shoulder pain at home肩颈痛居家治疗

If your neck and shoulder pain is mild, you can help relieve the pain with home remedies. For more severe symptoms, see a doctor.


Try some of the following tips and prevention methods at home:


Take a break from sports or other activities that may aggravate the area.停止运动或其他能加重该区域疼痛的运动。Use an ice pack on the area for the first three days after your pain starts. Wrap the ice pack in a towel and use it for up to 20 minutes, 5 times a day. This will help reduce swelling.疼痛开始后,前三天该区域冰袋冷敷。将冰袋包裹在毛巾内,一次使用20分钟,一天五次。有助于缓解肿胀。Apply heat using a heating pad or warm compress.三天后用加热垫或其他方式热敷。Take OTC pain relievers.使用非处方止痛药。Wear a pain-relieving shoulder wrap to reduce swelling and pain.穿戴减痛肩带来缓解肿胀和疼痛。Gently massage the neck and shoulder area.轻轻按摩颈部和肩部。Use an OTC pain-relieving topical cream. .使用非处方局部止痛膏。Neck and shoulder pain exercises肩颈痛锻炼

Try these stretches and exercises to relieve neck and shoulder pain. These are gentle movements and stretches for stiffness.


If your pain is more severe, or increases with the exercises, stop them and see adoctor.


A doctor may also refer you to a physical therapist who can work on your soft tissue and muscles to ease the pain. The therapist can give you a home exercise routine tailored to your needs. This will help strengthen your neck and shoulders to prevent a future injury.


Neck stretches 颈部拉伸

Perform the following stretches as three or four circuits at a time:


Sit in a relaxed position.放松舒适坐姿

Tilt your head forward touching your chin to your chest, and hold that position for 5 to 10 seconds.头部向前倾斜,把你的下巴顶在胸上,保持这个姿势5-10秒。

Slowly tilt your head straight back, looking up at the ceiling. Hold it for 5 to 10 seconds.缓慢的把头部向后仰,看着天花板,保持5-10秒。

Tilt your head to the right side, as though you’re aiming your ear to your shoulder. Keep your shoulder relaxed and hold the position for 5 to 10 seconds.头部向右倾斜,就好像你要把你的耳朵抵到肩膀上。保持肩部放松,保持5-10秒。

Repeat the motion on the left side.向左侧重复这个动作。

Rotate your head gently to the right, as though you’re looking over your shoulder. Hold your head there for 5 to 10 seconds.轻轻地把你的头转到右侧,就好像你要看到你的肩上。保持这个姿势5-10秒。

Repeat the motion on the opposite side.反方向重复这个动作。

Levator scapula stretch 肩胛提肌拉伸

The levator scapula muscle is located at the side and back of your neck, on each side. It lifts up the scapula bone that connects your upper arm and collarbone.


To stretch: 拉伸方法:

Stand with your side facing a wall and bend your arm up at the elbow, forming a right angle.侧着墙站立,肘部弯曲手臂,形成一个直角。

Turn your head to the opposite side and bend your head until you feel a gentle stretch in your neck and back. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds.把头转到另一边,低下头,直到你感到颈部和背部有轻微的拉伸。保持5-10秒。

Repeat with the other side.另一边也做同样的动作。

Shoulder stretch 肩部拉伸

Stand in a doorway, with both arms bent at the elbow at a right angle and your hands on the door frame.站在门口,双臂弯曲成直角,手放在门框上。

Lean forward until you feel a gentle stretch under your collarbone.身体前倾,直到你感到锁骨下面有轻微的拉伸。

Hold for 5 to 10 seconds.保持5-10秒。

Treating neck and shoulder pain治疗肩颈痛

Treatment of neck and shoulder pain depends on the underlying cause.


Heart attack, stroke, and other serious conditions often include emergency treatment. For most other situations, home remedies, physical therapy, and massage will bring improvement.


Some of the more serious situations that may require surgical treatment include:



Arm slings to keep your arm and shoulder in position while the injury heals are the first line of treatment in the case of fractures of the shoulder blade or collarbone.


If surgery is required, the basic procedure is to put the broken ends of the bone back together and fix them in place to prevent them from moving as they heal.


This can involve insertion of plates and screws under anesthesia.


Rotator cuff tear肩袖撕裂

Non surgical treatments are effective for about 80 percent of people with rotator cuff tears.


If you have significant weakness in your shoulder and your symptoms have lasted 6 to 12 months, your doctor may suggest surgery.


Surgery for a torn rotator cuff usually involves reattaching the torn tendons to your upper arm bone.


When to see a doctor何时去看医生

Seea doctor if:


your range of motion is limited你的活动范围受限you’re in significant pain你非常痛苦you believe you’re having a medical emergency你认为自己有医疗紧急情况You could have a muscle or tendon tear, or something more serious that need simmediate treatment.


You should also see a doctor if the pain persists, worsens, or returns aftergetting better.


Diagnosing neck and shoulder pain诊断肩颈痛

A doctor will physically examine you and take a medical history. They’ll want to know when your pain started and what symptoms you have.


The examination may include an arm squeeze test[2] to determine the origin of the pain.


They can also test your range of motion, by asking you to move your arms, shoulders, and neck. The doctor may then order additional tests to diagnose the issue.


Other tests may include:其他检查包括:

blood tests 验血X-rays X光CT and MRI scans CT和磁共振扫描electromyography (EMG), which uses electrodes to measure the electrical activity of your muscle tissue肌电图(EMG),它使用电极来测量你的肌肉组织电活动The doctor may also order a spinal tap (lumbarpuncture), if they suspect an infection.


Preventing neck and shoulder pain预防肩颈痛

You can help prevent neck and shoulder pain by sitting and walking with correct posture, and changing your daily movements to avoid stress on your neck or shoulders.


Practice good posture 保持正确的姿势

To check for good posture:


Stand with your back against the wall. Align your shoulders, hips, and heels against the wall.背靠着墙站着。让你的肩膀、臀部和脚跟靠墙成一条线。Move your palms against the wall as high as you can and then down.贴墙尽可能高的向上移动手掌,然后下移。Repeat 10 times, and then walk forward.重复10次,然后向前走。This should help you stand and sit straight.


Stretch and exercise 拉伸和锻炼

Create a stretching routine that relaxes your neck, shoulders, and back. Use the exercises mentioned above or ask your doctor. They may have printouts to share with you.


It’s important to have good form when you exercise, so that you don’t pull or strain a muscle, tendon, or ligament.


Move around 四处走动

If you sit all day, be sure to get up every 30 minutes and walk around.


Workplace changes 改变工作场所

Repetitive activities can put stress on your neck and shoulders. Sometimes these activities aren’t avoidable, so seek help to minimize the stress.


Follow workplace ergonomic tips to break out of bad habits:


If you’re on the phone a lot, get a headset. Don’t use your neck and shoulders to support the phone.如果你经常打电话,那就戴上耳机。不要用你的脖子和肩膀来夹持手机。Sit in a chair that supports you properly.坐在能够正确支撑自己的椅子上。Take frequent breaks.经常休息Takeaway要点

Neck and shoulder pain is usually the result of strains and sprains from overexertion or bad posture.


Sometimes this pain will go away on its own. Stretching and strengthening exercises can also treat the pain.


Sometimes neck and shoulder pain is due to a fracture in the bones of your shoulder. The severity of the pain will usually alert you that you need to seek medical help.


In very rare cases, it can be referred pain from causes such as gallstones or cancer.


Two emergency conditions — heart attack and stroke — can also cause sudden neck and shoulder pain. These need to be treated immediately.



1. Head and Neck Cancers. https://www.cancer.gov/types/head-and-neck/head-neck-fact-sheet

2. S. Gumina, Stefano Carbone, P.Albino, M. Gurzi, and F. Postacchini. Arm Squeeze Test: a new clinical test todistinguish neck from shoulder pain. Eur Spine J. 2013 Jul; 22(7): 1558–1563.

翻译: 韩俐莹,空军军医大学2015级临床医学系学员

审校: 马真胜,空军军医大学西京医院骨科。

