
贾老板博士加身 2019(伯克利音乐学院毕业典礼演讲)

2023-06-19 分类:养生资讯

贾斯汀·汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake)近日出席伯克利音乐学院毕业典礼,被授予音乐博士学位。他自嘲当了38年"怪胎",如今终于找到"亲人"!贾老板以温暖有力的话寄语毕业生:前进道路总是孤独,或许感觉跟世界格格不入,或许经历跌宕起伏,但每一步都朝着梦想未来迈进。

You are messed up giving me this award, but I had a big head before.


I wrote some things down I wanted to say.


This is surreal.


That was a crazy list of awards, but they really seriously pale in comparison to this honor today.


Berkeley, thank you so much.


You are messed up, can't tell me nothing now.


I'm a doctor. No, okay, sorry.


I was saying earlier I don't do surgeries, but probably work out some prescriptions.


So. . . holler at me.


You think I'm playing?


Roger, thank you so much for that wonderful presentation.


I gotta say to the students, last night was fantastic, you guys and gals.


I mean, vocals, some went to church on a Friday, it wasn't even fair and everything, the performance was just the band everybody the production.


I was really blown away, I may steal a couple of those ideas I saw.


So I did a Q&A yesterday, with about a thousand of you, of the students, and it was really wonderful and I talked about. . .there was a lot of things that were yours, the rock that was. . .


I wish I would have thought of that, and it sort of embodied I was just saying to Missy I was like, wow, she said everything I was gonna get up and say.


But I want to say that when I was young, I felt like a weirdo, I felt like I didn't belong, and I look around this room and I feel like I found all the rest of the weirdos.


We're all here, you know what I mean.


Only took me 38 years, but no, I just always felt different, and you know, I just, I'm sure you guys and gals feel that way, but I think it's important to know that you are different because you make the difference.


That's what you're here to do.


And it takes a little time to learn that, and I know that I would not have learned that about myself if it wasn't for music.


And you know, music was the place where I could go and forget all of those things, I could lose myself and then feel like I could really find myself, and I got a. . . it's such a trip to me to be sitting on this panel with you, Missy.


When I was 16, and my best friend is here in the audience, he can tell you annoyingly how many times I played super duper fly over and over and over and over.


But I always said to my friends, I said this is the future of music, I'd never heard anything like it, and I just, it's such an honor to be sitting next to you on this path, such a trip that I heard your music when I was 16 years old and said, Gimme, I must have, that's amazing and the fact that we both work with the same producer now throughout the years is, so put it out on the world, you can do it.


There's no dream that's too big.


And so for me, I really fell in love with songwriting and production, not long after that and you know, that was really a big part of my education, that's where I got to learn so much more about music and arrangement and songwriting and production, and you know, I guess I want to say to you the same, sort of the same thing, that you've heard before.


But how lucky are you to have learned all that, you know, I've spent the last 20 years learning, you have it at your fingertips you're all and I saw it last night, you know, I can't tell you enough I was blown away by you guys.


So, it'll be a shame to waste, it would be a shame to waste it.


I, so many people, I said I wasn't gonna cry either.


So many, it's okay, I'm gonna say I'm in the trust tree, I'm in a safe place.


There's so many people that have conspired to, for me, to be standing here today.


My wife who inspires me everyday, you know, I won't tell you to get married or not get married, but I will say this to you, find someone who is better than you, and convinced them to spin their lives with you.


My best friend Tres is here today, he's been a big part of my life growing up, and one of the people that when I felt like it wasn't going to work out, comes the rock thing and he was a rock for me, and I just, I can't thank you enough, man.


Obviously, it's Mother's Day tomorrow.


I'll shout out to all the moms in the house.


Fellas, if you think you can even compare to what a woman does, you should watch them have a baby and bring them into the world, cuz you ain't, you know what I mean like, as we say being myself.


So obviously, my mom is sitting here, and it's hard to even put into words what you've given me, and how much you've sacrificed for me to have the opportunities that I've had. . .


I'm so lucky to be your son, I am. . . I love you so much.


I got my mom like a this really dope purse for Mother's Day I guess I'll be styling, and then I remembered I was gonna be here, I was like she don't care about the pursuit.


This is probably the best Mother's Day gift I could ever give you, so thank you, Berkeley.


I'll say one more thing, I'll say one more thing.


I said this at the Q&A, and I want to speak to the students one more time, you're sort of taught probably about, you know, that there's gonna be ups and downs and failures, but I just don't subscribe to that or as a doctor I don't prescribe to that.


You get the joke.


You're defined by what you define failure as it's not a thing, if it leads you to your success.


It's all part of the journey, it's all part of the journey, you have to appreciate those moments.


Because what happens right after you feel like you've failed is who you are, and who you will continue to be.


And I say this apply it to songwriting, but obviously you guys are, you know, graduating and moving on into so many different facets of the industry, but I always say this about writing songs that you have to dare to suck, you do, you have to dare to suck, you have to feel.


You will never make something great, if you are afraid that it's going to suck, that it is going to fail.


So I'll leave you with that and that fire in your belly, that got you here. Keep it, love it.


Keep throwing logs on it, it's important.


Your tenacity and your ability to define who you are, through those failures will be your ultimate success.


So thank you for this honor, I, you are messed up as I said before, and I just truly truly never thought this would be something that I couldn't even put this on a bucket list, because I just didn't even think it would ever be possible, so to the University and faculty and everyone here, I am truly grateful and humbled and honored, and I hope that in the years to come, two things will happen.


One, I will represent you in the way that you're most hopeful, and two, I look around and see this graduating class, meet me at the studio.


I want to see you, we're working together.


So those are the two things I want to come out of this.


All right, thank you so much.


I don't even thank you so much, thank you.


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